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Testimony Tuesday

Writer's picture: Jasmine WiseJasmine Wise

About two months ago I graduated from Baylor University with a doctorate in sociology. God told me to share my testimony a long time ago. I choose not to because I wasn’t where I wanted it to be. (I don’t have full-time employment). But I’ve repented of that. I have been extremely thankful the entire time for the things God has given me during this period I now see as my rest. See I didn’t want to share because I sometimes subscribe to the thought process that what I do is who I am. I know this not to be true in my heart, but it’s hard to separate these things in this world.

So here goes, Testimony Tuesday!

So about 2 years ago I was praying at my parents’ house about where I was moving next. (At this point I still had about a year and a half of school left lol). God, clear as day, said “Atlanta.” At that point in my life I hated Atlanta, nothing about it was appealing to me.  So I closed my journal and went to sleep upset.

Well, fast forward a couple of months and this guy I know said to me, “Hey I want you to come work at my church, in Atlanta.” I was like “ummm maybe.” But I knew God was sending me to Atlanta, to work at this church I don’t know, but Atlanta was the destination.

My last couple of years in school I’m not really thinking about it but knowing I’m moving to Atlanta. So my last year of graduate school I attempt to save as much as I can. But it seemed impossible! I would save and then God would ask me for the money is some way. I would save, and it would happen again. So I kinda gave up on saving extra money. God even told me to give away all of my furniture. So I did. But of course, I kept thinking,  “I’m moving to Atlanta Lord. How is this going to work?”

In graduate school, it doesn’t look too hot if you do not graduate with a job. I had a weird situation I knew my destination and didn’t want to apply all over the country.  This was somewhat difficult for my professors to understand but I had to do what God told me to do. So I heard God say “only apply to jobs you want.” This is the opposite of what I would have done if he had not told me that!   I say just apply and get your foot in the door. It’ll all work out! But that’s not what I did. I tried to only apply to jobs in Atlanta that I wanted. Every now and then I would apply for jobs I didn’t want and would feel as if I, quite literally, wasted my time.

I started applying in December 2016 and by May 2017 hadn’t heard anything but “no thanks, we don’t need you.”  My dissertation chair offered me a job to stay at Baylor and teach. I wanted to say yes to her so bad but knew God said to turn it down, so I did.

I moved home a few days after graduating and then moved to Atlanta, I took out most of my savings and had everything I owned in the back of my car and my dad’s truck. I felt the Lord say “don’t leave anything.” I just knew I was going to stay at my aunt’s house for six months while I found full-time employment and could save some more to pay rent.

That’s not what happened. I found an apartment the day after I moved to on a Thursday Atlanta. By found I mean, I signed a lease. Please remember ya girl doesn’t have full-time employment yet. But if God says it, so it will be. I prayed that my apartment be less than 30mins from everything important in my life, and it is. I prayed for a two bedroom, and it is. I prayed to pay a certain amount, and I don’t but God is still good.

God told me to go to Havertys’ website and go furniture shopping at some point during my last semester of school. So I did, no matter how crazy it made me feel not having a job yet or not much in my savings, I did it. I made a wish list for a two bedroom apartment on After signing a lease, my parents and I went to Havertys, and they were having the biggest sale they have of the year. We bought my most of my wish list that day. God said it, so it is.

Saturday, I moved into my apartment with the things that were in the two vehicles. I had furniture the Wednesday after that. But not all of my furniture, just enough to live. Of course, because God works that way. Furniture usually takes 4-6 weeks to be delivered but not mine. It took less than a week. 

My aunt runs a daycare and graciously allowed me to work for her part time while I wait for full-time employment. God has provided in all things.

I had so many people ask me, “Why would you move if you didn’t have a job already?” All I can say is “because God told me to.” I felt peace about this move. Everything about it went smoothly. I don’t quite know everything that will happen in my life while I’m in Atlanta, but I do know that I am where I am supposed to be. The perfect will of God for my life.

I keep reading the book of Ruth during this time. I realized that Ruth had all she needed when she moved to the foreign land and I do as well!  All of my bills have been paid; I haven’t missed a meal; and I even went on vacation to Cuba. God is faithful in my life. 

I’m excited to see what amazing thing God is going to do in my life today!

God is good y’all

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