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It ain’t what it looks like

Writer's picture: Jasmine WiseJasmine Wise

“Obedience doesn’t care what it looks like.” 

Today in church God asked me to do something that I didn’t feel like I needed to do. It was a weird request that honestly, I still feel weird about.

So today we talked about God being a father and my pastor asked some men in our church that were fathers to literally hug people that felt they needed to know God as a father, didn’t have a good earthly father, etc.

As an aside, I have no problem going to the alter, where my helps come from in the time of need, but today I didn’t feel like I needed to go.

In God like fashion, God told me to get up. I felt like he said, “you’re a leader and people will go after you go.” So I got up. But when I saw people getting up. I sat back down. I didn’t even make it to the front.

I sat there for a couple of minutes and realized that God wasn’t going to allow me to sit down. In those minutes of me sitting down a lot went through my head. I rationalize everything! I said,”well people are up now, you don’t need me God.” I also said, “I’ll just be disobedient and talk to God about it later.” This, by the way, is not the best thought process. Anywhoo, I got back up, which makes me look even crazier, and went to the front.

This loving man from my church gave me the longest hug I’ve ever received in my entire life. Then I sat down.

I cannot lie, I did feel more peaceful when I sat down but I don’t know if that was because of the hug, my obedience, or both.

I realized when I sat down that I didn’t want to go because I didn’t want people thinking I didn’t have a great earthly father. I have a wonderful earthly father and whatever I felt I was missing a long time ago I already worked out. THIS ALTER CALL WASN’T FOR ME! It was for other people from broken homes, it was for people that didn’t know God as father, it was for those people, not me. I’m not passing any judgement or looking down on anyone. I just know it wasn’t for me.

Then I heard God say loud and clear: “Obedience doesn’t care what it looks like.” I have to remember this when I don’t quite like what God has asked me to do not because it makes me uncomfortable, but rather because I don’t like the way it makes me look. In that moment, I didn’t want my family to look bad. So I didn’t want to go. But God wanted me to be obedient. I have to choose obedience.

Jesus said, “You are my friends if you do what I command.”(John 15:14) I want to be known as a friend to God so I must do has he commands and not worry about how I look. Pray For Ya Girl!

God is good y’all!

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