30 days ago exactly I graduated from graduate school. So much has happened that I thought I should share the many things God has done. Each stage I’ve seen the hand of God. He really has been directing my steps as he unfolds that plan he has for my life. It’s been a busy month but it has been a blessed one as well. I am thankful God has chosen me to live this life.
May 13-graduated May 17-moved to my home town May 20-spoke to my home church May 25-moved to Atlanta May 26-found an apartment/furniture May 27-moved into apartment-friend gets married May 30-started working part-time for my aunt May 31-furniture arrives June 8-12-Cuba!
This stage of my life I would like to compare to Abraham Hebrews 11:8 says by faith Abraham when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he we was going. I don’t know everything God has in store for Atlanta. But I know that it will be great because God has called me here.
The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him. I pray to continue to delight myself in the Lord. I pray that I allow him to guide me as I walk down this life path hand and hand with him.