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Writer's pictureJasmine Wise

You Can Lead a Horse…

On my drive back to Waco yesterday I was super thirsty but refused to drink the completely full bottle of water in front of me. Why? That just seems stupid right? But when I’m on the road I don’t like to stop multiple times to use the restroom. So I don’t drink water. Immediately I heard God say  “You can lead a horse to water but can’t make them drink.”

I knew he was talking about my own life. Parts of my spiritual being is dying because I just won’t take a sip of river of life. God created the river in the form of the bible and through his son Jesus but I refuse to drink for one silly excuse or another. He leads me daily with reminders from the Holy Spirit, convictions of wrong doing, and words from others but I would rather die thirsty then to come to terms with what needs to be fixed in my life.

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Psalms 23:1-3 NIV God is a good shepherd who cares for his sheep. He wants to lead us and have us drink from the water he provides for us. Sometimes the water isn’t always the temperature we like but it’s refreshing nevertheless. He quenches whatever desire we have within us to be closer to him. I love that God seeks to refresh me. He wants me to lie down beside him and chill. I have to remember this on the days I choose not to drink from his river.

God is good y’all!

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