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Writer's pictureJasmine Wise

All Lives Matter?

ALL LIVES MATTER! True statement, all lives do matter in this world. My concern is that black lives aren’t considered lives at all. Black lives, like at the time the constitution was written, still aren’t considered full citizens in this country. Black lives aren’t cared for in the same way. Black lives always have to work twice as hard. Black lives are seen as overly aggressive. Black lives are not allowed to bear arms that same way other lives are.

This is why I am sad. I’m sad because my dad called me this morning worried that I might be in Dallas for the weekend trip. I’m sad that my brother is a large, black man that lives in Baton Rouge. I’m sad that my thoughts of not having children in this country have been solidified. I’m sad because even peaceful movements are destroyed by the minority of people that hate all white people. I’m sad because my black male friends are seen as threats to law enforcement when asking clarifying questions. I’m sad because even DOING EVERYTHING THE COP TELLS YOU TO DO no longer works.

My solution? My solution is to preach the gospel to the ends of the earth. The spiritual and demonic warfare in this country is ridiculous. My solution is to pray for peace and hope within all families involved. My solution is to pray that all cops get to know Jesus and how to walk and talk like him. My solution is to spark conversations with Christians and call out the biases some refuse to see. My solution is to attend the prayer service but also planning meeting for the protest. My solution is using my voice and platform to shake the foundations of the globe. My solution is not to let this overcome me.

I serve a God that has overcome the world. I serve a God that is a God of justice. I must remember that justice doesn’t always look like what I want it to look like nor does it always happen on earth.

If you are not a social activist, I totally understand. But remember we serve a God who began the earth to spin in the one word. What do you think he can do if you cry out on behalf of those who are not see equality in this country.

My final word is the word of God. Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. (James 1:27.) Black people in this country are both widows and orphans with no one to care for them. We can do this. We can care for those who need care without letting the world take us over. My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger. (James 1:19)

Through it all, God is good y’all.

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